A few months ago I decided to give up trying and avoid a certain person. Sounds pathetic really- about to be 16 and still having catty little fights with people. Well a girl in my year and I have always had our differences which we worked out quite a few years ago and so have been pleasant and civil towards each other for the sake of everyone around us.
Last year we were uncomfortably pulled together due to sharing the same drama group chosen by our teacher- forcing us to spend many hours both inside and outside school working together. To cut a long story short- we rediscovered our differences and things within the group did not work harmoniously. It resulted in complete avoidance the minute our performance exam was over.
This girl and I are both in our school chamber choir and yesterday we had a rehearsal at lunch time- once it was over we had to grab lunch in the canteen and found ourselves the only two people in our year going in at that time. We didn't blink twice at each other and sat down like two average schoolgirls eating lunch together. When I got up from that table however, I swear to the lord that I was and now am a completely different person. It simply never occurred to me that there can be so much that you don't know about someone whom you think you have summed up pretty well.
We spoke about everything. Everything that was happening in our lives and some little troubles. Some of you may know that I can easily open up my entire soul to someone who will listen and that's what I did. Little did I know that the girl sitting in front of me actually knew from first hand experience exactly how I was feeling and some of the things that I've been through over the last couple of years.This girl and I discovered that beneath our differences there were actually more similarities between us.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should really be careful about some of the people we push away- I know if I had spent more time with this person then I might have not had to deal with quite as much as I have ALL by myself since there actually are people out there who will know what you are going through- you just have to find them.
I'm not saying this girl is going to now become my best friend etc. but I know that I am so glad to have righted our wrongs and discovered someone that actually understands something which I have been unable to put into words for years.
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day full of sparkles and sprinkles:)))