Thursday 10 October 2013

Sunkissed skin & Sandy toes

 Summer. Sunshine. Salivating smells. sun-kissed skin and sandy toes. Hi guys hope your all well:) Might be a slightly depressing post but in a different way to normal..;) this is my throwback blog to summer:) love summer so much here are a few memories and reasons why you should all love summer too if you don't already!:')

Firstly, and MOST importantly, the summer fashion:) You cant honestly keep a straight face and tell me that you don't love the shorts, dresses, pastel colours and floral prints. I think summer fashion just makes people feel really great and as corny as this sounds; just really summery:) as gay as this statistic sounds, tests have shown that people are generally happier when the weather is warmer and we can get out our sunglasses and take off our woolly socks.

Summer is the best especially when you have amazing people to spend it with. Some famous philosopher once said 'its the people around us who shape who we are' and they couldn't be more right. If you lived your life shut away in your room and never spoke to anyone at school and didn't try to meet up with any friends on holiday or at a weekend, then I can assure you that you are a very different person to the one you could be. Your friends shape your personality and you pick up many things from them. Just remember ONE thing- you mean a lot to someone then they will make sure you are part of your life- no one else is really worth bothering about<3

 Family can also make your summer so special:) this summer just been I went on a gorgeous 2week holiday to the south of France with my lovely famalam and I have to say it was the best two weeks of my life. Some of you may know that I broke my foot in a dance show at the beginning of the summer and so therefore was on crutches and in a big plaster cast for the duration of the summer.

Honestly? I thought it was going to be the worst summer of my life- wasn't allowed swimming or to play tennis or do some of the stuff I would have usually done in the summer. I owe it to my parents and my sister for being so tolerable and patient with me, and although I was obviously hobbling along in a foreign country feeling rather sorry for myself, I sincerely had the most incredible time and made some amazing memories.

I met some amazing people, drunk a little too much French beer and got some decent tan lines;) It really was incredible and I hope you all had an amazing summer too- would love to hear about them all?:)
Much love

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