Sunday 6 October 2013

Walk off the Worries

Hi there I'm Flo - this is my first lifestyle post.. in fact my first ever post so bear with:)) I have suffered from a lot of stress, anxiety and frustration (which I have now discovered is much more common in teenage girls than I thought) so I figured that since  don't really share any of it with anyone I thought I could use my experiences to help some of you guys if you think your going through something similar. I want to start off by saying that this is really personal to me and if you are in the position I have felt so many times- where you feel lost, confused, pressured by the smallest things and you feel completely alone in everything you do- I sincerely hope that this helps you in some way or another:)
Firstly, and most importantly, you need to figure out what is the cause of your emotions- whether it be anger, sadness, frustration or stress or whether you don't want to think about it- you really need to think back to what happened to make you feel like this. It might have been a conversation or some bad news, it might have been a break up or maybe just a really crappy day. If your sat there thinking that you cant relate to this because you are none of the above then you are exactly who this is aimed at. For me? It was none of the things I just mentioned- it was everything. Nothing. Life. I would sit for hours and hours sobbing my heart out about quite literally nothing. I would have random emotional breakdowns over absolutely nothing whatsoever. I tried to tell my mum and my friends but none of them could really understand as they didn't know how I felt because they weren't me. I thought about everything that might be able to help me and that's what you need to do too. I tried counsellors but it didn't feel right pouring my heart out to a stranger as I just got embarrassed as I worried that they would judge me (which is silly because that's what they are professionally trained not to do..) I tried writing numerous songs, keeping a diary, and as mad as it sounds I got a goldfish;)
 For me it turns out none of these really helped but try anything you can possibly think of that might make a difference to your situation. For me it was actually going for long walks. It might sound gay and it definitely wasn't the only thing that made life a bit better for me but it certainly helped along the way. Just find some time when you can to whack on your wellies and go for a wander. It really gave me time to think about everything which I think is hard to do with people round you. (take your dog too if you have one because although time away from people is heaven, it gets a wee bit lonely)
 Finally for today, go off with a positive thought. If your feeling like life couldn't get any worse even thought you have a pretty good life to compared to some people (and trust me I've been there many times) then keep one thought in mind okay? It will all be okay in the end. If today you feel at the bottom of the world it doesn't mean the world is over. It means that there is going to be a climb to get back on top of it. Its the determination to overcome this feeling that is all that you need. Instead of thinking urgghhh I have to go back to school tomorrow... think: 5 more days til the weekend!:D I hope you have a beautiful weekend and that this might have helped just one of you beauties reading out there

bye for now:))


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